Website SEO Analyzer
Generate your report in 30 seconds
Use this tool to analyze your website to see where it needs improvements and download a free PDF report. It will assess metrics related to your site including: page title, meta description, keywords, text to HTML ratio, headers, robots.txt, sitemap, internal & external links, Alexa ranking, domain information, dofollow / nofollow links, SEO friendly links, favicon, alt text descriptions, DOC type, deprecated HTML tags, HTML page size, GZIP, inline CSS, internal CSS, micro data schema, IP & DNS, IP canonicalization, plain text email test, cURL response, mobile friendly check, Google Page Speed, page statistics, interstitial ads check, avoid plugins, configure viewport, size content to viewport, size tap targets, legible font sizes, landing page redirects, leverage browser caching, server response time, minify CSS, minify HTML, minify JavaScript, render-blocking JavaScript and CSS, optimize images, & prioritize visible content.
Would you like help with your website?
Hi, my name is Robert. I’m a freelance web designer and developer based in Northern California. I can help you with your website or app development at the hourly rate of $60 per hour. If you’d like to get ahold of me fill out this form.